Thursday, February 9, 2012


At long last, the completed refurbished dresser.  The mottled stain is gone and I think it came out pretty good for a first-timer like me.  What I learned was that sanding evenly, especially on softwoods like pine, is very important.  I also learned to use a wood sealer if it looks like the raw wood has uneven patches. My son wanted a dark stain and he selected a color that looked much darker on the paper sample.  The stain specialist helped pick out a color from a company that was different from the paper swatch I brought with me, and in the end, the stain was not as dark as I had hoped.  I would error on the side of dark when it comes to stain color the next time and use a swatch from the same manufacturer so you'll have a better chance of getting the color you want.  In the end, I applied 5 coats of stain, which took FOR--EVER in Marcia-time. The best part is that my son's clothes are off the floor and IN THE DRAWERS! Let's see how long that lasts :)

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